
Monday, 18 April 2011


Few words for you from u DIDI

Those who have had sisters know what it is like to be with them. Like them or fight them, but you can't ignore them. Sisters can sometimes be nosy and irritating! They seem to know how to pester you till you feel surly. But would our childhood be any fun without sisters? I don't think so. Sisters are our closest relatives. Sisters annoy, interfere, criticize. Indulge in monumental sulks, in huffs, in snide remarks. Borrow. Break. Monopolize the bathroom. Are always underfoot. But if catastrophe should strike, sisters are there. Defending you against all comers.She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child. Big sisters are the crab grass in the lawn of life. 

Didi you are a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.

"happy birthday" once again hope u liked my gift

me n u and u n me :-)

myyyy salluuuu not salluuu bhai

:-) "happy bdayyyy dd" :-)


party time :-) with so many CAKES for you DD

Happy bday in diff languages :-)

English- Happy Birthday!

Afrikaans- Veels geluk met jou verjaarsdag!  

Chinese- Cantonese Sun Yat Fai Lok! 

Dutch- Drents Fellisiteert! 

German- Bernese Es Muentschi zum Geburri! 

Hawaiian- Hau`oli la hanau! 

Indonesian- Selamat Ulang Tahun! 

Kashmiri- Voharvod Mubarak Chuy! 

Latin- Fortuna dies natalis! 

Marathi-  Wadhdiwasachya Shubhechha! 

Oriya-  Janmadina Abhinandan! 

Punjabi-  Janam din diyan wadhayian!

Rajasthani-  Janam ghaanth ri badhai, khoob jeeyo! 

Russian- S dniom razhdjenia!

Sanskrit-  Ravihi janmadinam aacharati! 

Tamil- Piranda naal vaazhthukkal! 

Telugu- Janmadina subha kankshalu! 

Urdu- Janam Din Mubarak 

Hindi- Janam Din ki badhai! or Janam Din ki shubkamnaayein!

dearesssttttt did'ssss

dd... a verrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy verrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy verrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy................  "happpyyy bdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"

love u love u love u

thanx for being thr in my life you have done so much for me dat can never be compared with anything else.....
on this spc. day i wish loads n loads loads of success to u... aur jyda kaamati raho n mere ko gift deti raho :-)

on your b'day i m gifting u this blog.... this blog is made from ur id only..... so.. now its ur responsibility to maintain this blog ;-)


my chilhood :-)

special pics :-) specially for u